Wrapping you in Some Extra Love and Compassion
Dear Hearts,
Just as your bodies pick up and carry stress, so does your heart. We feel the burdens and confusion you hold. Some of you are dealing with a feeling of great sadness. As you process things, you hide this part of yourself from the world and even those closest to you.
We wish you felt more comfortable being open about your struggles, disappointments, frustrations, and pain. It is crucial for you to find ways to be kind to yourself, allowing yourself to feel everything you need. Please remember that we are here to help you in every time of need.
Be kind to yourself and others. Amid all the controversy your world is facing, it is easy to feel lost and unsure and separated from the whole. Please remember that everyone is here to learn and evolve, and another’s path may look quite different from yours but is still vitally important in healing the earth. Not only do we want you to hold compassion for yourself, but we ask that you extend it to others.
Love is what heals people, situations, and the world as a whole. It is important that you know that you can hold your beliefs and convictions in loving ways and continue to shine your own unique light into this world. We know that change can feel less than pleasant. But you are ready for it, and you have needed it, and we are here to guide and support you along the way.
Hold the vision you have for your life, and we will hold the sacred space for your hopes and desires to become your reality.
Your Angels
So, what does compassion look like and how can you give more compassion to yourself and others?
Ways to show compassion to yourself:
- Acknowledge your accomplishments. Too often we can overlook all of the hard work we have already done and only focus on everything we have not triumphed over.
- Commit to doing something that makes you happy. Spend time with a friend, go on an adventure, listen to your favorite music or sit in the sun. Whatever you do, do it because it brings you joy.
- Give your body some love. Sleep in, get a massage, cook a delicious, healthy meal or take a hot bath.
- Give yourself a break. We are our own worst critics and expect perfection out of ourselves and often look at a mistake as a failure instead of just learning and moving on.
- Stand in your power. Do whatever it takes to remember who you are. Standing in your power honors not only yourself but everyone you come into contact with.
Ways to show compassion to others:
- Use encouraging and positive words. Words are powerful and positive words can be healing, especially when you feel another is struggling.
- Acknowledge others. This could be a smile, a hello, opening a door, or simply saying thank you.
- Be present. When you are with others, investing your time and focus makes a huge difference and being a good listener makes them feel valued.
- Give a hug. A handshake or a fist bump works too. Physical touch can be empowering (if you feel safe to do so.)
- Be motivating. This isn’t about cheering them up as much as it is about cheering them on. We all know what it feels like to lose steam when we really need to keep going.
As the angels stated in their message above, they don’t want you to face your disappointments and struggles alone. They have compassion for you and want nothing but the best for you.
I hope that each and every day, you are reminded of the love that your angels have for you and that you allow and invite this love into your life. May you feel it in big, bright, glorious ways, and may you stay committed to that vision you hold for yourself.
Wishing you much joy and many blessings,
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