I’ve always talked to God… Why should I talk to my angels?


I have always been deeply connected to the Divine. Ever since I was a little girl I called that God. God and I were the best of friends. As an only child, I would often find myself talking to God. If I wasn’t talking to God I was probably talking to my dog. I found both to be very good listeners. #TRUTH

Even though I always had a slight fascination with angels I never really recognized the opportunity to communicate with them. As a matter of fact, it was not until I was a young adult and God was opening my eyes to how I was meant to utilize my spiritual gifts and share them with the world that I was introduced to working with my angels. You might be surprised that I felt a huge resistance to talking to my angels at first. When I tuned into why I felt this way it was clear to me that there was some fear around it. 

 #1. I had been talking to God my WHOLE life and honestly, I felt that talking to the angels was taking a step backwards. I know, this might sound ridiculous, but it was the truth. There was this part of me that felt like it was the same as going to the CEO my whole life and now being demoted in some way because now I was being asked to talk to the angels instead. Like, why would I want to talk to the assistant managers when I had been talking to the CEO forever!  

 #2. I was completely comfortable talking to God but I think I felt that talking to the angels would be like having to learn how to speak a different language or something. Something about it did not feel normal to me. 

 #3. For some odd reason, I felt that talking to the angels would disrespect God. Crazy I know. But I think that subconsciously I thought I would be placing more importance on the angels instead of God and that felt off to me. 

I had been using my intuition my whole life and I was committed to opening myself up to allow my gifts to help bring healing to others but was resisting the opportunity to talk to the angels.

I definitely felt I had an issue here that needed to be dealt with.

Like many of us, I got stuck in my head with this dilemma. Thoughts and more thoughts and then even more confusing thoughts.

Until one day God interrupted my thoughts and said these exact words to me.

God: Heather, do you know what the word angel even means? 

Me: Yes, they are messengers of love and light.

God: Exactly! And you know how they have helped millions of people before you gain guidance and direction and even deliver prophetic messages? 

Me: Yes.

God: Okay, well, use them or don’t use them but stop stressing out about it!

Me: Um, okay. Well, that makes sense.

Now, let me be very clear, although I understood the silliness of my previous worry I was not automatically super comfortable with how those conversations went.

I remember the first time I decided to call on an angel, that’s right …only one, I immediately felt guilty. 

I literally had the thought that my needs and or problems were not nearly as bad as others might be and I probably just took an angel away from a sick child at St. Jude Hospital.

Now, you might be asking yourself, why in the world is Heather sharing these very embarrassing moments with everyone on her blog. Well, let’s just say I have always been a very transparent person and I think I can also help more people when I am open to being completely vulnerable. 

The fact is our mind is not always our friend. Fear creeps in to confuse us and will often be working hard to sabotage our best efforts. I know I am not the only one who has ever battled thoughts within their own mind.

Now, when I had the limited thought of only calling on one angel and worried they were too busy to stop helping another to come to my aid, God spoke up again.

God:  I am sorry, I thought you knew that I was an unlimited being with unlimited resources. 

There is never a shortage of help available to you or anyone else. 

Me: You are right. I know this. I just need to know this, know this and accept this as my truth.

It took me some time to get comfortable with this idea. But not too long. I am happy to say I now feel one hundred percent comfortable with calling on millions of angels at any given point in time.

But I think it is important to have this conversation because so many people resist calling on the angels for help.

I am now well aware that working with the angels and my entire spiritual team means working smarter not harder.

I have even been doing so professionally for others for over 15 years now. 

But, just like any other new practice, starting off can feel uncomfortable and awkward.

If you have been on the fence about whether or not to talk to your angels, here are some key points I would suggest to keep in mind:

  • Anyone can talk to their angels. The angels are available to everyone. It does not matter your choice of religious belief or if you don’t find yourself to be religious at all. Everyone has guardian angels as well as a loving spiritual team to support them.


  • There is not a wrong way to talk to the angels. Just open your heart and start the dialogue. You cannot mess it up. Talk to them like you do a best friend. This does not need to be formal in any way.
  • Talk to them out loud when possible. Our voices are powerful and oftentimes we will get into the flow of the conversation even more deeply when speaking out loud.
  • Ask your angels to help you to know what to ask for help with. This can be a game-changer as you are giving them permission to help you open yourself up to their wisdom as to what could help you best in the moment. (Spoiler alert …the angels are much wiser than we are) 
  • The angels always speak very lovingly to us. So if you are ever confused about what you feel you may be hearing from your angels, just know they never speak from a place of fear, confusion, anxiety or worry. They are certain and loving at all times.
  • Just stay open to receiving. Asking for help is an act of strength, not weakness. You are worthy and deserving of divine help from the angels. 

Now more than ever, I want to encourage everyone to utilize the guidance, love and support that is always available to us from our angels. Again, this help is available to us at all times and in all ways. There is never a request that is too big or too small. Our angels are there to provide us peace, protection, clarity and solutions to any seeming problem. They can buoy our faith, increase our confidence and even help us to understand our heart’s desires. 

And just in case you were wondering, God and I are still the best of friends. We still talk daily. So, talking to your angels doesn’t mean giving up your connection with God, Source, Creator…whatever you feel comfortable calling that. It only draws you closer and expands your ability to appreciate and utilize the unconditional love we so very much deserve and need. 

Much Love and Many Blessings,



Needing spiritual guidance?  Book your own angel reading.

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