My Grateful Heart ~ Random Gratitude

faith gratitude Nov 25, 2014

Each and every day holds the opportunity to reflect on the blessings of our lives. Gratitude has a way of unlocking miracles in waiting. But more importantly gratitude changes our outlook, fills us with joy and energetically puts us on the right track. I practice something I like to call Random Gratitude. It keeps my heart happy and my spirit bright. For instance, yesterday my random gratitude list included 


1) My sparkly painted toenails. I seldom get pedicures but when I do I often get sparkles.

2) My salad spinner. Okay this may sound nerdy but yesterday when cutting up my salad I was so grateful for my salad spinner. For years I never used one and now I cannot imagine living life without one.

3) Thanksgiving break. Having my kids home for a week offers us a little more quality time than we are used to with our busy schedules. I am planning to use this to the fullest.

3) My new office space. Since moving into my new office in September I cannot tell you how happy I have been creating this sacred and magical space. There is a peacefulness that resides within those four walls. Yesterday my husband came to hang some things up on the wall for me as I am never trusted with this task and I even decorated a small tree to enjoy throughout the holidays.

4) Getting my last few grocery store items for Thanksgiving. I am sure many of you can agree that getting all of your Thanksgiving ingredients early is a huge plus. Fingers crossed I won’t have to make any last minute trips to the store during the rush hours. I will be cooking up a storm. Broccoli and rice casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, jello salad , pumpkin pies and rolls.

5)  My work. I feel completely blessed each time I meet with a new client or re-connect with an old one. I am inspired by the power of the human spirit and in awe of the healing power of love.

I tend to send up gratitude throughout the day and end with a big “Thank You, I Love You” before closing my eyes to go to sleep. However you choose to practice your gratitude know the benefits are all the same. Now, we all have those moments when are attitude is one far from gratitude. In those moments breathe in Love and allow all of God’s grace, mercy , peace and protection to envelope you. Be patient with yourself and know that you will find your way back to your grateful heart in due time. Wishing you and yours a Thanksgiving filled with love and blessings and may the spirit of Thanksgiving live in your heart the whole year through.

Love, Light & Blessings,


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