7 Ways the Angels Can Help You on a Daily Basis
It is no secret that I love working with the angels both personally and professionally.
It is always a joy and honor to make connections for my clients that bring them great peace and clarity as well as guidance and direction for their lives.
One of the things the angels often ask me to remind my clients about is that there is nothing too insignificant when it comes to asking for help from the angels. In other words, they do not want you to filter or limit what you are asking for help with. There are no “silly” requests. Anything that will bring you peace, clear confusion, remove struggle and strife and ultimately just make your life easier, well, they want to be a part of.
You see there are countless ways that the angels can help us.
Any seeming challenge we may have is met with their loving support and their options for solutions.
Here are just some of the ways the angels can help us in daily life:
Fearful Thoughts – Our thoughts can sometimes be our worst enemies. The angels can help us redirect any negative thoughts in loving and supportive ways and root us in love so that we can operate from and connect to our best and highest self.
Buoy Our Faith – The angels can point out why we have every reason to be centered in faith. This includes reminding us of our previous victories, ensuring us the whole universe is in our favor and standing with us to call back our power.
Decision Making – If you struggle making decisions, the angels are wonderful at helping us connect to our intuitive self and recognize what resonates with our own personal truth. This is so important and powerful because we are not meant to just follow the masses, and making choices that honor us personally is key.
Clearing Overwhelm – When we feel overwhelmed we begin to procrastinate and often feel defeated before we begin. The angels can help us prioritize what needs our attention most and what we should get accomplished first. They can empower us to work from a space of discipline and direction, which then helps us to gain momentum as we continue to get more accomplished and feel the rewards of our efforts.
Negative Self Talk – Our angels want us to treat ourselves as well as we do those we love and cherish the most. They are wonderful at holding us accountable to using positive words when speaking about ourselves, our goals and our heart’s desires.
Honoring and Protecting Our Energy – Creating clear boundaries and clearing and protecting our energy is crucial when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing. The angels can assist us with discerning what is best for ourselves so that we can create healthy boundaries, as well as clear negative energy from us and create a hedge of protection that allows our energy to stay pure, strong and vital.
Trusting Our Intuition – Our intuition is the beautiful loving connection we have with our creator and our spiritual team but we rarely trust it as much as we should. The angels can help you to embrace your intuition and lean in to utilizing it more often so that you gain confidence in your own beautiful connection with the divine.
The angels know that the little things make up the big parts of our lives, and they want us to spend every moment feeling very connected to our divine self and to live out each day with intention, purpose and joy. They are available to support us in whatever way necessary to help us do just that.
I encourage you to invite them to help you and allow yourself to receive the unconditional love and support they have to offer.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Needing spiritual guidance? You can book an angel reading here.
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